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Currently on exhibition at Gorilla Foods
Down town Vancouver this May
on Richards beween Hastings and Pender
Raw, vegan, organic cuisine to open your mind and soul
~ Water Seed ~
It all begins here, 12x24", $120
One night at Crystal Creek in the glass shack I doodled.
It has to start somewhere, the source of creation, egg, sperm, germ, seed
~ The drop ~
Singularity, 20x70 cm, $600
Inspired by Natalie at a bohemian gathering on the beach.
Music, Friends, fresh air, and art
~ Illuminated Waterfall Zone ~
Pre~digital visualization, 45x62cm N/A
This work was for a digital movie I was working on last year. The top peice is the first background plate,
Done as an exploration in traditional techniques before I dove into the digital relms, where the productions heart lies.
It's purpose in the story is a place of spiritual connection, where you come and go in the world of Aya's Dreams. A portal
of mediation and activation in the stream of consciousness. Below is a digital version of the process, before full motion animation.
~ Meditation Rock ~
~ Spout ~
as it gathers it flows, 40x60cm, $500
My favorite piece because of it's simple nature. The scale is comfortable and intimate
tipifies the essence of water.
~ Bubble Cove ~
Pools of prisine water innocence, 70X60, $700
This was a rainy day. I had to angle the board so the water would run down the back,
of the piece keeping the paint dry and free from runs. I could feel winter was coming. Brrrrr.
~ Crystal Pond ~
clear waters purify, 70X70cm, $500
One of the first and just step from the Festival Kitchen at Crystal Creek. This is probably the most
accessed part of the river but still pristine. Quite often you can find drinks in here, cooling
ready to refresh people at the work parties. Carbon Nutral refrigeration at it's best!
~ Crystal Root River ~
water nutures the forest, 40x70cm, $500
Another Crystal Creek painting expressing how closely related the trees are with the rivers.
Thier roots are filters for the water, just as sand and rock.
~ River Comic ~
laughing and playing through the forest, 50x60cm, $500 framed
Wind blown trees clog the rivers, obstructing the flow, stopping spawning salmon.
The trees us each other for support from winds. When there is a clear cut the trees laong the edge
are prone to winds. They log right up to the creeks, sometimes to the bank of the river!
~ Roberts Creek Falls ~
salmon spawing beds of gravel, 20x30in, $400
Ahh, the falls we know so well. Apparently they are trying to log upriver half a mile from here!
That will change the water chemestry, quite often the salmon can't find thier native spawning beds after that happens.
This river is part of the watershed for Roberts Creek, but don't worry, they have a water processing plant in place already.
Mechanical filters remove terbiddiy(dirt) and Chlorine kills any remaining living organizms.
I hope that doesn't meen the people living there!
~ Log role rapids ~
cascading falling tumbling down, 50x80cm, $550
The natural wood grains from the recycled wood used plays well with subject of flowing water.
Sometimes it's quite by accident, other times intensional.
~ Green Dragon River ~
but the spirit has been awakened, 20x30", $500
As you can see here, logging right up to the river beds! This is Crystal Creek as well.
The majesty of the forests largest trees has become a scarcity we should care to protect.
~ Curtain Falls ~
under the play of the Axe, 60x180cm, $1200 framed
This looks beautiful in it's issolated view of the situation. Unfortunatley this is a log jam of trees
glogging the water way. One can always find beauty and excuses!
~ Story Book River ~
No longer the fantasy tale, 50x120cm, $600
Everything looks so beautifull in nature. We just have to look around someone elses blunder for cash.
When does having a job and selling out cross? We the people need to take a personal stand. The logger stop logging,
the merchant stop selling it, the people stop buying. Settle for living with less, beacuse there are more and more of us every day.
~ Rubber Root ~
Stretched too tight things break, 50X130cm, $500
How long do we think nature can hold on, providing us with clean air, fresh food, places to live?
Do we have to go too far to realize and take action? I hope not.
~ Muddy River ~
Thick waters flow heavy, 18x18in, $400
Tirbidity in the water glogs filters, making water unsafe to drink. The microbes flourish in these rich waters.
Vancouver, for the most part, has a protected watershed. Yet even they can't drink thier own tap water upon occation.
~ Fire Rapids ~
Things start to go faster, 40x120cm, $500
I painted this on it's side but as the series developed I saw the fire rising into the works. Then one day I turned this on it's side,
and saw how the fire was already in the rivers now. It's beauty is scary.
~ Water Preserves ~
As we burn our mother, 120x40cm, $700
This autumn has been an abundant year for harvest. I have spent many days picking berries,
apples, and quinces. Nights canning and jamming and thinking about preservation lead me to believe
we are squandering our natural resources. It's not OIL that is the deal buster, we can live with that.
We can't live without clean water. This will be an increasing focus of world powers, now.
~ Consumption Creek ~
Out of control, 18x36", $900 framed
Now we are getting to the heart of the matter! Consuming our resources in the flames of freedom.
Is our right as humans to have domination over all? I'm sure mother nature has something to say about that!
~ Chapman Creek Eddy ~
Fire in the river, 20x40in, $600
I was called to the environmental concerns of Chapman Creek watershed. I heard the creis of my fellow people.
This painting was my attempt to gain access to the clear cuts that were being protested. Today, the river was to big
and I was not able to cross the river. I would have to go around, and come in from above.
~ Chapman Creek Demise ~
What we are cuurently doing to our watershed, 120x500cm, $1800
This piece was the calling! The forest was screaming to be heard. I took this very large canvas into the
contested clear cuts that were/are being logged with the support of a few friends.
I painted what I saw, what I felt. My paint brush the tounge of the mouths that cannot speak.
I open myself to be the voice of the forrest.
The unique textuing of the paint is given to the work by the sticks and branches against
wet paint as we climbed for two hours out of the ravine.
Where were the logging helicopters when we could have used them.
~ Defilement Purity ~
the absurdity of our actions realized, 240x240cm, $2500
Then, as if I hadn't heard, they spoke clearer. "Do you hear it?" I think the message needed to be said
on many levels to a broad human appeal so this peice was created to make it clear. Where the last
piece(Chapman Creek Demise) was a fine art expression this one appeals to the more
commercial, illustration, and youth of todays consumer market.(Prints available on request)
This work expresses how Pan, representing us the consumer, is playing/partying in the world, burning it up.
Here is also an aligorical refrence to global warming as well.
The Nyriads of the river are representing; beauty that we are choking with our carelessness,
innocence of youth violated and disturbed,
and the eldest most serene understanding of flow and the spiritual cleansing of water.
Its never too late to help them. In fact, the Satyre is noticing for the first time what hes done.
In this instant you see him realizing in horror what he is doing and stopping.
Just in time, father forest is gritting his teath and crying at his passing but helpless on his own.
The native/elvin warrior is watching, ready for action, but just observing how the drama plays out.
You can see the moma bird concerned for her nest, the frog is frightened, and the Salmon eggs are in peril.
Everyone is involved in this, even you.
Click here to see a related work, Gnostos
~ River Mouth ~
Autumn sunset river's end, 2x2in, $400
The water will flow to the ocean always, but what state it gets there is up to us now.
Humanity is too big a player in this cycle to think it can fend for itself.
![]() Artist Statement: This is a series of paintings celebrating and scrutinizing our water sources. It is a personal journey and a public bulletin. I have taken my art process into the rivers, sunny days by the babbling brooks, chilly days huddled with tea in an exposure suit next to the torrents. Using recycled materials and environmentally sensitive processes I have created a series of simple sketches to celibate the water. Focusing more and more on the water and it's essence. You will see the abandonment of even the setting. I used the simple pieces to hone my technique and develop the visual vocabulary that ultimately I knew was for the larger ones. Most of the smaller works took a day, but sometimes longer. Some were created in a painting “trance” in my studio. I also used this time to contemplate the plight of our water, and give the Nyriads (river spirits) a chance to communicate with me. Magic. Problems currently: Our freedoms and the bottom line have taken over common sense of the people. We are consuming our global resources faster than ever now. Our population is 7 billion and is projected to grow a billion a year but faster every year! We can't assume that we can keep doing what we've always done. Nature cannot sustain it. We log the forests that make our clean air. We damn the rivers for power, and call that sustainable. We drive our cars out of frivolity polluting the air. We sprawl all over the place developing new neighborhoods that reinforce the dependency on personal transportation. We have already hunted the whales into extinction and are on the brink of doing it to the fish. We are not stopping! This show has been inspired by Chapman Creek Clear Cuts. Solutions/actions: Hopefully inspiring further investigation and networking of people concerned with our water quality, availability, and quantity. It is this show's greatest potential to catalyze a movement to protect this valuable resource and all the others that are in peril, preserving them for generations. But knowledge isn't enough. We need action. Try this, stop going so much, just live where you are. Do less. Buy less. Earn less, Spend less. Laugh more, love often, garden, buy local, don't exert your freedoms so much. Play more, visit friends, learn to make music, reduce, reuse, recycle, rejoice in the heritage we are leaving for generations. The end of days don't exist, the sun will be shinning on clean rivers in 10,000 years where my children will be splashing. Yay! |
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Personal knowledge Awareness locally Action globally Drink Forever Deeply. |
Prints available for purchase
Artist available for commission
30% of sales go to the Chapman Creek Watershed Protection Fund
Currently looking to book a small group show in Nelson, medium group show in Vancouver, large group show Victoria,
No further dates or locations set yet.
For more art go to
Contact Cody at 604-741-1865
Click below for information about water preservation